Nagpurians were taken on a laughter ride at the play White Lily aani Night Rider staged at Dr Vasantrao Deshpande Hall. The play, which is a dark comedy, showcases the effects of online dating and how communication gap has increased among today's tech savvy youngsters. Sonali Kulkarni and Milind Phatak's splendid performances kept the audiences glued to their seats from start to finish. The play was houseful, but when we caught up with Vinita Agge, she said, "I felt some scenes were quite bold and I'm glad I didn't get my kids along." The director and lead actor of the play, Milind, said, "I do agree that the play has a bold, urban subject and I was scared people won't appreciate it, but the response I got from Nagpurians was great. I was overwhelmed when an 80-year-old lady came up to me backstage and gave me compliments."